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Privacy Policy

COPCA 2024 Valletta


Statement on Data Protection

This data protection declaration serves to fulfil the information obligation set out by Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union regarding the collection of data from subjects.


Personal contact details and information received through any features on this website are stored for processing and administrative purposes, as well as for any necessary follow-up communications. These data will not be passed on to any third party without the explicit consent of the data provider, except in those instances where it is legally required or mandated that such data be transmitted to state institutions and the relevant authorities, or where such data may be used for criminal prosecution following any attack on our network infrastructure.


If you have any queries or complaints regarding data protection, please contact the data protection officer associated with the COPCA 2024 conference through the contact channels listed below:


Callum Piper


Phone:   +44 078 47 953 878



Kindly note that this website contains references (i.e., links) to other websites which are not affiliated with nor managed by the COPCA 2024 organising committee. As such, the COPCA 2024 organising committee has no influence on whether these external websites are also compliant with the statutory data protection regulations. Please always check the data protection declerations when visiting external websites.


This data protection declaration is valid and was last updated on 02 January 2024.

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